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pls-em150 wavelength adjustable strong light source
product classification:氙灯光源 brand: view count:1
keywords: 光催化氙灯光源,实验用氙灯光源,实验用光源

in the study of photochemistry, researchers often wish to observe photocatalytic reactions in a narrow range of spectral wavelengths. the conventional monochromator, in terms of design, focuses more on using monochromatic light as a signal source or a weak excitation source. the output parameters are more inclined to higher monochromaticity and higher stray light suppression, but the output energy is too low to be applied in the field of photocatalysis.

pls-em150 wavelength adjustable strong light source, through the unique integrated design of light source and optical components, the intensity of monochromatic light can be increased from 200 ~ 400 microwatts by dozens of times to milliwatt level, which can meet the requirements of photoelectric catalysis, ipce and other measurements.

