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pls-fx300hu high uniformity integrated optical fiber light source
product classification:氙灯光源 brand: view count:3

key characteristics

● basic xenon lamp light source, ultra high cost performance;

● large size radiator fin design, to meet the requirements of long-term continuous irradiation;

● after more than 10 years of user testing, reliable performance.

application field

photocatalytic decomposition of water to produce hydrogen/oxygen photocatalytic total decomposition of water photocatalytic reduction of co2

photodegradation of gas pollutants (such as vocs, formaldehyde, nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, etc.)

photodegradation of liquid pollutants (such as dyes, benzene and benzene series, etc.)

photocatalysis measurement of quantum efficiency • pec photochemical synthesis • film photocatalysis • photochromism
