photocatalytic co2 reduction solution-凯发旗舰厅

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photocatalytic co2 reduction solution
photocatalytic reduction of co2 system is another difficulty chromatography configuration, because the product of co2 reduction is very complex, both the h2, co and other small molecules, there are also methane, methanol, formic acid, ethanol and other organic molecules, single column chromatographic detector cannot be completely checked out at a time, using tcd and fid, the combination of different types of common used chromatographic column.

in recent years, the annual increase of global carbon dioxide emissions has posed a serious threat to the ecological environment on which people live. therefore, the capture, storage and conversion of carbon dioxide have attracted extensive attention from researchers.

the product of co2 reduction breaks the traditional chemical synthesis by cracking petroleum to obtain the required raw materials and avoids the dependence on the synthesis method based on fossil fuels. in terms of co2 conversion, reduction of carbon dioxide with traditional chemical method need to consume large amounts of energy and hydrogen at the same time, and by adopting the method of photocatalytic reduction of carbon dioxide, can be in mild reaction conditions of step direct access to high value chemicals and carbon monoxide/hydrocarbons and methanol liquid fuels, show the potential application prospect, the current has become an important research focus in the field.

in order to meet the needs of customers, our company has independently developed "photocatalytic reduction of carbon dioxide experimental detection system". through the replacement of the reactor, both the traditional chemical method and the photocatalytic method can be considered. through the form of "semi-customized", selective detection of gas and liquid products can be made to make the products more in line with the needs of customers.

photocatalytic co2 reduction system is divided into two types. one is carried out under negative pressure/normal pressure. equipment consistent with photocatalytic water decomposition and hydrogen production should be selected, and a special co2 reactor should be equipped. the other is under normal pressure/high pressure, which requires the use of photocatalytic gas-solid reaction solution.

photocatalytic reduction of co2 system is another difficulty chromatography configuration, because the product of co2 reduction is very complex, both the h2, co and other small molecules, there are also methane, methanol, formic acid, ethanol and other organic molecules, single column chromatographic detector cannot be completely checked out at a time, using tcd and fid, the combination of different types of common used chromatographic column.

process unit:irradiation unit
delegate types:type i

photocatalytic reduction of co2 system is another difficulty chromatography configuration, because the product of co2 reduction is very complex, both the h2, co and other small molecules, there are also methane, methanol, formic acid, ethanol and other organic molecules, single column chromatographic detector cannot be completely checked out at a time, using tcd and fid, the combination of different types of common used chromatographic column.

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